Wednesday, November 28, 2018

In my blog i am talking about corruption in healthcare and medicine. It is written by Subrata Chattopadhyay. This person beliefs corruption is a complex phenomenon and very difficult. Says corruption in hospitals is like buying medical instruments, supply of medicine, and goods and services. Theft and embezzlement, this may occur as theft of public assets and goods. Use of human subjects for financial gain. Another way in which hospitals and physicians use patients is by charging uninsured patients and patients with other health plans far more than the actual costs involved and what the health insurers pay. According to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI),"Large-scale bungling took place in the implementation of NRHM".Subhadra Chaurasia  developed cataract in her right eye four years ago. In the past one year, visibility in her left eye has also faded. If the 75-year-old doesn’t receive medical attention soon, she will go completely blind. She has two sons, both married, who barely make a living from the 2.5 bighas [of land] they own in Raipur village, 10 km away from Lucknow. The yield from this landholding is just enough to save the family from starvation. With no money to buy even basic necessities of everyday life, Subhadra can’t dream of having an eye operation, something that would cost more than Rs 15,000. But if you go by official records, Subhadra has already been operated upon and cured at age 22. Subrata Chattopadhyay says that there are a number of good reasons why physicians and bioethicists should care about corruption, discuss the problems that corruption creates and perpetuates in healthcare and medicine, explore possible remedial measures to tackle the menace, and take a stand against unethical and corrupt practices in the health sector. So in conclusion there is a lot of corruption in healthcare that is not dealt with or taken care of. Image result for corruption in healthcare


  1. What a poor old lady. From what i got out of this article is that people that don't have insurance, so they have to pay more. I believe that it is not "technically" corrupt but you do you bro.

  2. I think the information that you provided in this article is very interesting and accurate so good job with that. The information could be written better so that it makes more sense. I had trouble following what you were saying at times. You have a few spelling and grammar errors that could be fixed as well. Overall, good job just fix those small errors and you will be fine. :)
